Visiting Kerala with parents, for my Granddad’s puja
Posted: October 4th, 2012 | Author: Rhea Rajan | Filed under: Grand Parents, Kerala | Comments Off on Visiting Kerala with parents, for my Granddad’s pujaI’m going to Kerala today for my Achachan’s first death anniversary puja. I have been thinking about him everyday and I miss him terribly. My Amma says it’s important to do the puja in Kerala so that he stays happy in heaven. I wish so too, though I want him to come back soon.
I don’t like to fly much and I prefer trains. But we are still going to fly because we don’t have holidays and Appa cant take leave from work. Looks like its ok if I miss school for 2 days. Since it’s for my grandfather I dont mind missing school for 1-2 days.
The puja in my mom’s house in Kerala was all very nice. There were lots of sweets and everyone was smiling and crying at the same time. I think they are all sad that my grandfather is not around. I’m told he’s with God. What I dont understand is, why is God keeping him for so long???
Meanwhile, here’s a picture of me with my grandfather when I was 4 years old.
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