I am Rhea Rajan. Born on 29 March, 2007…and yet with lots to share. My parents are Rekha & Rajan...and we now live in Gurgaon. Do let me know how I blog...

Got my first Report Card today

Posted: November 30th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: My Firsts, School | Comments Off on Got my first Report Card today

We at Delhi Public School, Pre-Nursery wing had good fun this Nov 30. It was PTA….for those of you who don’t have kids and never went to school themselves…let me tell you that PTA means Parents Teachers Association.

Since it is winter here in Gurgaon, we organized ourselves outside in the sun and did some activities, and also played some games. While the parents stood around and watched us….I am sure my parents were thankful for the sun.

We finally had some snacks…and eventually my teacher Ms Ashmi madam broke the suspense and gave away my report card to my parents.

I saw my parents getting all mushy & excited when they received the report card. They went thro’ it from start to finish and in between would look at me with pride in their eyes. I was sitting a few feet away and just so I don’t end up embarrassing them by staring back at them….I would look away and keep busy my play dough. And when they were not looking, I would steal a glance. I got to agree, it feels happy to make your parents happy.

Thank God they don’t have ranks in pre-nursery.

By the way, before heading out for the PTA meeting our teacher assured us that we needn’t worry. She said she had given all of us good ratings and didn’t expect any parent to get angry.

I guess at such a small age, we need such assurances to keep us going.

Do take a look at some of the pics my father clicked at the PTA meeting today.