I am Rhea Rajan. Born on 29 March, 2007…and yet with lots to share. My parents are Rekha & Rajan...and we now live in Gurgaon. Do let me know how I blog...
Posted: March 21st, 2016 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:Mother | Comments Off on My birthday invite is ready
This is the invite we sent across to my friends today.
My parents tend to simplify everything. They have figured out that it is much easier to create a digital invite and send it out to all my friends on Whatsapp. I am not surprised because sometimes when my parents are in two different rooms, they communicate with each other through Whatsapp.
A month back my mother and I decided that this year the theme for my birthday will be Books. Since then thats what we have been talking about. My mother has been researching the whole day on how to make my birthday special. In fact, this is what she talks about the whole day. So much so, my father has become bored.
My mother says every food item in the party will be linked to a book. I wonder how. Lets see.
Posted: May 10th, 2015 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:Mother | Tags:Mother, Mother's Day | Comments Off on Mother’s day poem by my father and I
My father and I joined hands to write a mother’s day poem and surprise my mother by singing it in the evening. I guess it must have been all the practicing we were doing which gave it away…for the moment we started the show she started giggling. I think she even sang along…
This was the Mother’s Day poem we had written:
Dear Amma happy mothers day
I am here to say
That you have a special way
Of showing love to us all
You are always on our call
And you never let us fall.
You never ever tire
That’s what we admire!
that’s why you inspire!
Dear Amma, happy mothers day
And I am here to say
That you have a special way….
Here is the video of me singing the Mother’s Day Song
Posted: October 15th, 2011 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:Baby Fashion, Mother | Comments Off on My amma and I have a new dress
My mother and I generaly end up wearing new clothes at the same time. All this while my father watches on. And when he isn’t watching he is clicking pictures of us in the best of clothes.
This was after we had come back from a visit to Fab India, in Gurgaon.
Posted: June 16th, 2011 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:Mother | Comments Off on My parents make up
Today morning my parents made up after their previous night’s fight over the birds – my first pet.
In the morning my mother apologized for not serving dinner for my father the previous night. My father also said “It is ok, Rekha” and went to office.
The moment he was gone she cried for a while and then told me that she had fought with father over the birds. As if I wouldn’t have known if she hadn’t told me.
I just held her hands and kept staring at her.
After a while she sent my father an SMS, and he also sent back a quick reply. After a few SMS exchanges…she was smiling again.
As far as I remember, this was the first fight they hadn’t sorted before going to bed. My mother must have really hated pets – I say in past tense because NOW she loves the birds.
There have been calls to and fro. Father and mother have been fighting over my name. I can hear the full conversation because when mother feeds me, she uses the speaker phone.
Apparently, we will have a super dress like Superman...just that instead of an "S" we will have a "R" on our chest. Very unfashionable, my parent. The blue and red combo is so 19th century!
I wouldn’t have bothered listening if my mother hadn’t angrily banged the phone and said: “It was a mistake marrying a internet savvy man. When asked for name suggestions…how dare he take a print out of all pages from babynames.com and courier it across?”
Next time, my father called…they started the discussion again. My father suggested “Anamika” (my mother suspects that it was the first name in the babynames.com list).
When my mother confronted my father with what she thought of the name, my father suggested “Zulfi”.
Even I could see that this would have been the last name in the list.
After a lot of discussion, it has been decided that my name will be “Rhea”. I like the name…goes well with my surname “Rajan”.
My only problem with the name is that it has a Greek origin and means a singer. Why would you name somebody a singer when you have already stuffed the person with so much music in the womb itself. So much so, I now hate carnatic music. Gimme some head banging stuff and I am game any day.
PS: Overheard my parents conspiring about forming a Super Family, like the Supermans and Incredibles. They are going to name our family The ‘R’ Family and our super wear will have a huge “R” on our chest.
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