I am Rhea Rajan. Born on 29 March, 2007…and yet with lots to share. My parents are Rekha & Rajan...and we now live in Gurgaon. Do let me know how I blog...
Posted: October 15th, 2011 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:Baby Fashion, Mother | Comments Off on My amma and I have a new dress
My mother and I generaly end up wearing new clothes at the same time. All this while my father watches on. And when he isn’t watching he is clicking pictures of us in the best of clothes.
This was after we had come back from a visit to Fab India, in Gurgaon.
Posted: October 14th, 2011 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:School | Comments Off on I am the Mantri, in BalRamayan
I donned the role of a Mantri in BalRamayan. I had a meaty role but missed out when I had to spend 20-25 days in Kerala after my grandfather passed away. Neverthaless, it was a great experience.
Mind you, this by no means is my first theatre experience. I am a pro.
Posted: October 9th, 2011 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:Father | Comments Off on Playing with my father
My father and I just roll on the bed and tickle each other. We also play all the dirty games (and get scolded by my mother).
My father and I touch our noses, tongues, bums etc which really maddens my mother. But when we aren’t looking she looks at us playing these dirty games and smiles. Couple of times I have spotted her doing that….and when she knows that she has been spotted she looks away.
When I tickle my father he really laughs out aloud. I wonder if he is doing this to make me laugh…for sometimes he starts laughing even before I start tickling.
My father and I roll on the bed & tickle each other
Posted: October 8th, 2011 | Author:Rhea Rajan | Filed under:I, me, myself | Comments Off on I love this guy Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is dead. And I am mighty upset.
I have been using my father’s iphone for the last four years and his iPad for last two years….and I can tell you that Steve Jobs is God (I might be only four and half years old, but I can tell the difference between normal and extra ordinary!).
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