I am Rhea Rajan. Born on 29 March, 2007…and yet with lots to share. My parents are Rekha & Rajan...and we now live in Gurgaon. Do let me know how I blog...

The father-daughter pics which made my father cry

Posted: February 10th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Father | Comments Off on The father-daughter pics which made my father cry

My dad is scared that I will soon be a grown up and won’t get excited by his stories. He has no idea how much I love him. Today when he was in office, he saw the below link in somebody’s Facebook wall and went through every image. By the time he had finished he had tears in his eyes.

Here goes the ViralNova.com’s link: http://www.viralnova.com/father-daughter-photos/

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