I am Rhea Rajan. Born on 29 March, 2007…and yet with lots to share. My parents are Rekha & Rajan...and we now live in Gurgaon. Do let me know how I blog...

My second Star Performer certificate

Posted: May 16th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: School | Comments Off on My second Star Performer certificate

When in Nursery I had once won the Star Performer of the Week certificate. I just repeated that feat today as well – and won the Star Performer of the Week in my Prep class as well.

I am damn proud. Last year, I didn’t really understand its value…but now I am getting a hang of being the cream of the class.

When I asked my parents what this certificate meant (because I wanted to really know why and what I was proud of), they just smiled. Quite a dampner.

I still don’t believe that all the students in a class are given this certificate on rotation, to encourage them.

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