I am Rhea Rajan. Born on 29 March, 2007…and yet with lots to share. My parents are Rekha & Rajan...and we now live in Gurgaon. Do let me know how I blog...

My naming ceremony in Kerala

Posted: April 25th, 2007 | Author: | Filed under: Kerala | Tags: , | 3 Comments »

I woke up with a start. Today is a big day…I am going to be named today. Parents have had their round of discussion…but nobody has consulted me so far.

The least I expect them to do is at least tell me…inform me…but no..they wouldn’t. As if I don’t exist. At least they could tell me how I should spell my name…will it be R-I-Y-A? R-I-A? R-E-A-H? or R-H-E-A?

We have more than 100 guests, who have between them lifted me off my cradle 78 times. I am losing calories quick and fast…at this rate I will become a super model soon.

I have been dressed up in a blue and white frock. What color sense? And mom, if you ever going to read this…I was being sarcastic.

Guess what…my family from Madurai (in Tamil Nadu) are also here. Way too many relatives, I must be having. The four visitors from Madurai are: my uncle called Murugan, an aunt called Deepa, another aunt called Sumathi and my paternal grand mother called Selvi.

It is sad to note that my paternal grand father passed away before I was born. I came to know because half the oldies who saw me said I could be the re-incarnation of my own paternal grand pa. Interesting story…but I will have to know more of my paternal grand pa to believe it.

I can see sorrow in my maternal grand mothers eyes…probably she is thinking of how happy her husband would have been on this day. But hey, I am back…remember?

Apparently this naming thing is big. I got gold bangles, chains, anklets, waist bands etc. Not to mention some 20-30 clothes….do clothes for babies come that cheap?

3 Comments on “My naming ceremony in Kerala”

  1. 1 Sojo Varughese said at 8:27 am on September 20th, 2009:

    A big smile 🙂

  2. 2 Aarti said at 6:48 am on October 26th, 2009:

    Cute 😀

  3. 3 Pal said at 6:40 am on February 4th, 2010:

    You have a very inteeresting blog here, Rhea! Keep writing 🙂