I get my own mike
Posted: November 22nd, 2011 | Author: Rhea Rajan | Filed under: My Firsts | Comments Off on I get my own mikeWhen we had visited Corbet National Park and stayed in Country Inn (sometime around Diwali) I had sung into a mike. Don’t get surprised yet…since it was Diwali we were the only family at Country Inn and the Guitarist bhaiya asked somebody from my family to come forward and sing.
My mother can sing well but my father is a disaster….and to avoid him the embarressment I went forward and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the mike for the first time. Since then it became a habit and I did it everyday for the next three days.
Noticing my keen interest, my mother bought be a set of purple mikes. The only problem…now my mother wants me to sing and my father wants me to do stand up comedy. God save!
Watch me behind my purple mike in this video.
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